Kurt Abraham, Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level van Kurt Abraham (Auteur)

Kurt Abraham, Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level van Kurt Abraham (Auteur)

This book uses biographies of prominent people to illustrate the ray energies as they play out in a person's life. The Soul Ray comes into play and becomes "visible" when a person is about her/his soul's work. The soul places the group good higher than any thought of personal career. These people are what one might call people of destiny.

Individuals used as examples of each of the Seven Rays are:

First Ray Soul: Herbert Kitchener

Second Ray Soul: Alice Bailey

Third Ray Soul: A.P. Giannini

Fourth Ray Soul: Leonardo De Vinci

Fifth Ray Soul: Thomas Edison

Sixth Ray Soul: Alfred Lord Tennyson

Seventh Ray: Marie Curie

Pocket Boek

$18.95 USD

Taal Opties

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paperback $18.95 USD


Taal Opties

ISBN-13: 978-0-960-90027-5

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Kurt Abraham, Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level

232 pages


8.4 x 5.5

ISBN-13: 978-0-960-90027-5