Solar Geomagnetic Activity and Emotional Intelligence

Susan Manewich is a researcher, teacher and author who has worked for 20 years in leadership consulting, emotional intelligence, and resonant technology. She is President of the New Energy Movement. Her several books include (as a co-author) Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance.

In a number of articles about the rapid electromagnetic and geomagnetic changes happening on this planet, I discuss the strong similarities between planetary chaos, human emotion, and behavior as it relates to different solar cycles. In 1960, for example, during the previous solar cycle, there were a lot of war protests and consciousness raising movements, but there was also a lot of chaos. Much of what we’re seeing today mirrors some of that previous solar cycle. The sun, our star is what really gives life to us (including our human bodies) here on planet Earth. And the sun is going through some huge changes. I have a 15-20 year background of studying Emotional Intelligence, and there is just an amazing, strong relationship between our emotions and solar geomagnetic activity.

The Earth’s magnetosphere (the protective shield around the planet) protects us from what I’m calling “pops from the sun”: solar flares, coronal mass ejections, or even some of the solar wind. It’s critical that we have that shield. But the shield is weakening, and our capacity to handle these ‘pops’ is becoming challenged. Right now, we are in the process of reaching a solar peak in Solar Cycle 25 with the potential for more chaos, people acting irrationally, more war. But also, the potential for a rise in awareness. And so, you’ve got these emotional breakage points, but you also have some higher states in consciousness. It is as if through the weakening of the magnetosphere veils are being lifted and we’re having to contend and deal with things that maybe are more charged.

In addition to the weakening magnetosphere, there is a wandering of magnetic poles on our earth right now and it looks as if the sun will have its pole shifting in the next couple of months – all causing instability and weather extremes.

The Schumann resonance, the Earth’s background hum, is also very active and not as stable as it likely has been in the past – and this relates to brainwave states. The changes on the planet and the shifting alignment with the sun, the Cosmos and this Earth all relate to us as human beings. I can’t help but think about the dawn of this new day that Alice Bailey spoke about, it’s here. Considering new energy technology, we are at the precipice of this dawn, with change being really driven by the intelligence of the universe, the intelligence of the cosmos.

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