World Goodwill Seminar 2021


Online ZOOM events. No Charge. Registration Required



Now is the time for humanity to rediscover the spirit of community in all social relations. 

Sociology literally means “the study of companionship” and we might consider that through a focus on Social Regeneration, we will be evoking the Spirit of Companionship, imaginatively seeing it pouring through the entire field of human relationships, bringing fresh meaning, purpose, and a sense of future possibilities.

During these difficult pandemic times the need to re-imagine social relations in ways that enhance goodwill, sharing and the sense of belonging has become even more urgent. This is the time to call forth the imagination and consider the regeneration and reigniting of a spirit of companionship between peoples, communities and nations; and between humanity and the living earth.

Join us for 3 events, broadcast from three planetary centres, in a day of online discussions, reflections and meditations. Using the power of the intuitive imagination, we will shine a light on the path towards right relationships with all life.


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