Άλλοι Συγγραφείς

Foster Bailey, Reflections

Foster Bailey's last book addresses modern esotericism in today's world and closes with an epilogue on the discipleship of Alice Bailey. There is also a section of twenty sacred mantrams, eleven of which are accompanied by a short commentary.

Foster Bailey, The Spirit of Masonry

The spirit of Masonry is the spirit of the eternal "Quest", a key to both individual and group progress toward God's goal for man. In this book Freemasonry is addressed from a spiritual point of view. The reader is shown how the function of modern Masonry is destined to bring spiritual benefits to all people.

Mary Bailey, A Learning Experience

An account of the joy and challenge of group discipleship in the modern age. Previously unpublished extracts from the Tibetan Master Djwahl Khul's first year of work with Alice Bailey are given, as well as a thoughtful summation by Mary Bailey of her thirty-three years of group work with the Arcane School and the Lucis Trust. For many of those years she served as President of the Trust on behalf of the work begun by Alice and Foster Bailey.

Ναταλία Μπανκς, ΤΟ ΧΡΥΣΟ ΝΗΜΑ

Η συνεχής επανεμφάνιση της Αρχαίας ή Αιώνιας Σοφίας, αυτού του σώματος εσώτερης ή εσωτερικής διδασκαλίας που μας παραδόθηκε από μακρινούς χρόνους σε κατάλληλη μορφή για αυτήν την περίοδο, πάντοτε έλκυε το νου των σκεπτόμενων ανθρώπων. Για την αξιοσημείωτη διατήρηση και συνέχειά της έχει παρομοιαστεί με χρυσό νήμα: μία γραμμή πνευματικής ζωής με αυξομειούμενη διαύγεια και ένταση από αιώνα σε αιώνα.

Agni Yoga, New Era Community


Agni Yoga, Agni Yoga


Agni Yoga, Infinity I


Agni Yoga, Infinity II


Agni Yoga, Hierarchy


Agni Yoga, Heart


Agni Yoga, Fiery World I


Agni Yoga, Fiery World II


Agni Yoga, Fiery World III


Agni Yoga, Aum


Agni Yoga, Brotherhood


Kurt Abraham, Great Souls: The Seven Rays at the Soul Level

Available only in the US

This book uses biographies of prominent people to illustrate the ray energies as they play out in a person’s life. The Soul Ray comes into play and becomes “visible” when a person is about her/his soul’s work. The soul places the group good higher than any thought of personal career. These people are what one might call people of destiny.

Kurt Abraham, Psychological Types and the Seven Rays

Available only in the US

This book discusses in detail the three rays that generally condition the mental body–1st ray of will and power (the administrative mind), 4th ray of harmony through conflict (artistic-intuitive thinker), the 5th ray of scientific knowledge (scientific mind). Historical examples are presented in detail for purposes of illustration–Jane Addams, Mahatma Gandhi, Thoreau, Van Gogh, Darwin, Thomas Henry Huxley.

Kurt Abraham, Threefold Method for Understanding the Seven Rays and Other Essays in Esoteric Psychology

Revised-expanded edition.

Available only in the US.

In the title essay, the First Method has to do with an intelligent investigation of the literature of the Seven Rays. This is the initial and necessary academic approach. It leads to an understanding particularly of one’s own rays and the path of least resistance.

Kurt Abraham, Astrology as Path to Higher Consciousness

Astrology as Path to Higher Consciousness considers the Sun Signs from the esoteric angle. Each Sign of the Zodiac is a different energy that is designed to lead one on and up in a specific way. In order to unfold one's higher spiritual possibilites, it behooves one to work consciously and intelligently with these energies

Kurt Abraham, Introduction to the Seven Rays

This book begins with the basic qualities of each of the Seven Rays, the Rays and the Planes, and the Rays that condition the various vehicles (personality, mind, emotions, physical body).

The Self-Evaluation Quiz provides an assessment that is helpful in determining whether or not a person is a pronounced or balanced type.

Kurt Abraham, The Seven Rays and Nations

Available only in the US.

France and the United States compared.

Discussion includes: the role of the intellectual in France and the 3rd ray.

Gesine Abraham, Preschool Education: Keeping the Magic Alive

Available in US only

Gesine Abraham has worked with pre-school/kindergarten children for over 40 years. Her book, Preschool Education: Keeping the Magic Alive, was written in response to the concerns of parents and teachers. Are children not being unduly pressured into being “super kids”? Are children not losing something vital and precious in the process?

Vera Stanley Alder, The Fifth Dimension

Available only in US

Vera Stanley Alder invites readers to test meditation by choosing a subject they don't know and learning about it by using the exercises and meditations in the book. He explores the variety of claims made about the effects of meditation what happens to the student, biologicaland physical changes, the practice of balanced living, and the phenomena that leads to ultimate fulfillment and achievement.

Vera Stanley Alder, The Finding of the Third Eye

Available only in US

Vera Stanley Alder here offers us a guide to attainment through the path outlined by Ancient Wisdom.  She summarizes our philosophical relationship to the past by comparing it with the discoveries of modern science, and surveys the techniques of working with breath, color, sounds, numbers, diet and exercise. Finally she discusses the functions of the third eye, astrology, meditation, and their ultimate aims.

Vera Stanley Alder, The Initiation of the World

In this outline of the secret wisdom of the divine plan, Vera Stanley Alder uses her rare gift for condensing and synthesizing the essentials of esoteric teachings to reveal the many aspects of Ancient Wisdom and its relationship to present-day scientific knowledge. What makes this classic work so popular is Alder's simple and unintimidating presentation of the various forms of personal initiation. 

Vera Stanley Alder, From the Mundane to the Magnificent

Vera Stanley Alder takes a series of extraordinary journeys on the etheric plane accompanied by a spirit guide and teacher named Raphael. In the course of these "out-of-body" experiences she was vouchsafed a vision, not merely of humanity's past, but of the possibilities awaiting us as evolution proceeds on its divinely inspired course.

John Berges, Hidden Foundations of the Great Invocation

Available from US store only 

After the publication of Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries, John Berges attended a conference where he heard a presentation about the mysterious Master Rakoczi who, during his life as Francis Bacon, used coding techniques similar to those in The Great Invocation. John began assembling evidence suggesting that the works of Shakespeare, Psalm 46, The Great Invocation, and a mysterious poem entitled "A Word from the Master" all originated from the same individual -- Master Rakoczi, who once lived as Francis Bacon and Count Saint Germain.

John Berges, Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries

Coded in the beautiful words of The Great Invocation is a pattern of numeric relationships revealing a sacred message of importance for humanity.



Alan Hopking, Esoteric Healing

Currently available from U.K. store only.

Esoteric Healing uses current research in medical energetics and sources of Ageless Wisdom to provide practical guidelines for diagnosing, prescribing, and therapeutically utilizing specific energy forms with both intelligence and intuitive understanding.

Kathy Newburn, A Planetary Awakening

Available from U.S. store only. 

As we witness the events unfolding on our planet, we know the future stands in the balance. We are entering a time long foretold in the prophetic writings of the world, when great events are due to occur and enlightened teachers will again come forward.  Humanity is fast approaching the threshold of a great spiritual and cultural transformation--unprecedented in the history of life on Earth.

Alan Oken, Soul Centered Astrology

Soul Centered Astrology is a groundbreaking sourcebook in esoteric astrology. Influenced by Theosophical philosophy, Alice Bailey, and the Ancient Wisdom teachings, Alan Oken describes the evolutionary process of spiritual self-development with the twelve astrological signs and their soul-centered planetary rulers and the esoteric significance of the planets in the signs.

Seifer/ Viewig, When the Soul Awakens

Available from U.S. store only.

When the Soul Awakens is a groundbreaking book about the evolution of consciousness and the dawn of a new era.  It holds the vision of a new world emerging from the wave of universal spirituality spreading across our planet.  Informed by the Ageless Wisdom, it traces the evolution of humanity to the present Shift of the Ages and points toward a new civilization and culture that will arise from the soul's awareness of the oneness of life.

Susan Shore, Death, Our Last Illusion

Available from US store only

This book begins with the latest science on the Near-death Experience, then explores the passage through physical death to the states of conscious being beyond. These states ~ often blissful ~ are outlined by our great religious traditions, and detailed in Tibetan Buddhism and the perennial philosophy, particularly in the Alice Bailey books.

Michael Srigley, Wild Will: A Collection of Articles originally published in the Beacon

Available only in US

Michael Srigley contributed many thoughtful and inspiring articles to the Beacon during his long association with the Lucis Trust and the Arcane School. So it is with great pleasure that we let you know that these articles are now published in book format Wild Will.