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The books of Alice A. Bailey, written in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher between 1919-1949, constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom--a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period.

The 24 Books of Esoteric Philosophy by Alice A. Bailey are made available with the permission of the Lucis Trust, which holds copyright.

Permission is granted to view, copy and store the material and print pages for your own [personal and non-commercial] use.  All other rights are reserved. Permission may be requested in writing to use the copyright materials on this website.


Lucis Publishing Companies Books On-Line.

 For over eighty years we have endeavoured to fulfill the Tibetan’s request to "undertake the constant distribution of my books…."  Consequently, the Lucis Publishing Companies, operating on a non-profit basis, have kept the books continuously in print over all these years.  As a further unfoldment of this service, we are pleased to offer Alice Bailey’s twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy electronically and free-of-charge.  Please note that publication on this Website is the first Internet publication of the books authorized by the Lucis Trust, which owns the copyrights.  This step has been taken to expand the availability of the teachings.  We therefore trust that these books will aid your spiritual development.

The introductory compilation Ponder On This is also available and is drawn from selections from all 24 titles.

Printed and Audiobooks are available in Books and Publications; eBooks are available from major on-line retailers.

The Arcane School was established by Alice Bailey to provide training for the new age discipleship.

The twenty-four books of esoteric philosophy form the basis for this training.  The principles of the Ageless Wisdom are presented through esoteric meditation, study and service as a way of life.  The keynote of the Arcane School as described by the Tibetan Master is “service, based on love of humanity.  (Discipleship in the New Age Vol. 1 Page 782).  Please click here for more information regarding the Arcane School.

Terms and Conditions of Use

To protect the integrity of the Tibetan’s teachings, Mrs. Bailey initiated the process of obtaining copyrights for each of the books, ensuring legal protection from unauthorized alteration and publication.  We trust that you will pay due respect to the prevailing copyright laws to avoid any legal issues. 

All rights are reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the Lucis Trust.