The Science of Impression

30 Μάιος 2022

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We read in the book Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle that “The Science of Impression —if studied by the disciples in the world and by the New Group of World Servers—will greatly facilitate the presentation of those ideals which must and will condition the thinking of the New Age and will eventually produce the new culture and the new civilised expression which lies ahead of humanity, superseding the present civilisation and providing the next field of expression for mankind.” 


The Light of the World  

23 Μάιος 2022

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There are four types of light substance that affect all forms of life on our planet. We have the light of the sun, the light in the planet itself (its own inherent radiance) and a light seeping in steadily and gradually from the astral plane that is slowly fusing with the other two types of radiance. The fourth type comes from the mental plane—a light in its turn reflected from the realm of the soul. The quality of light substance, we read, has changed several times during the ages, and as it has changed it has produced corresponding mutations in the phenomenal world.


Aligning With Forces of Light on this Day of the Wesak Festival—May 16, 2022  

16 Μάιος 2022

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This is the day of the Wesak full moon with the sun in Taurus – so it is a day of safeguarding in the esoteric tradition of the ageless wisdom teachings in Alice Bailey’s books.

In this tradition and similar traditions derived from the theosophical revelations communicated in the late nineteenth century by Helena Blavatsky, the Wesak Festival marks the high point of the spiritual year when there is a great stream of lighted energies flowing from the Buddha, through the Christ to all men and women in the world who, in their own way, are following a spiritual path.


Three Aspects of Mind

9 Μάιος 2022

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It is a major objective of discipleship in the new age training that students increasingly become mentally focused, for it is on the mental plane that all the work to be done becomes possible. Unless we achieve this mental focus, occult meditation will escape our grasp and become inaccessible. In the more advanced training on the path of discipleship, the need for this mental focus, which was always emphasized emphasized in a preparatory way through the practice of occult meditation, now becomes all important.  The more advanced stages of discipleship involve the fundamental and foundational building of the antahkarana.  This building work demands an intensely focused creative attention on the mental plane.


Working With the Great Invocation  

2 Μάιος 2022



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