"Scattered through all my writings over the years is a mass of information which needs collating and bringing together as a basis for the instruction of disciples in training for an initiation." (18 – 323). The present compilation is an attempt in this direction. The Tibetan's books are not being read as enthusiastically as some students expect. One of the reasons seems to be that many readers are deterred by the rather abstruse sections or passages that occur in greater or lesser extent in all the books. And of course if the average student should, in his innocence or enthusiasm, happen to start off by trying to read "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire", then it is only to be expected that he should lose heart. As D.K. himself remarks: "To many what I will say will be as meaningless as A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is to the average reader." (18 – 328). Luckily the rest of the books are not quite of the same calibre, and though they are also interspersed with longer or shorter sections that are out of the mental reach of the average student, these books, nevertheless, contain such a mass of interesting and valuable information, that each occult student should attempt to master as much of the available knowledge and wisdom as his stage of development will allow.

It was thought that a compilation of classified extracts of some of the concepts that can be more readily understood might prove to be of use, and might also act as a stimulant to such students to find out more about the subjects so briefly broached. To enable them to do so, a reference is given with each quotation, referring to the book and page number from where it was obtained.

The question was how best to classify the hundreds of extracts that have been made. It was decided to group them under headings, and then to arrange the latter alphabetically.

The system followed can of course be subjected to considerable criticism. One of the difficulties that cropped up time and again, was that certain of the extracts could just as well be classified under several other headings that have been used. It was felt, however, that space could not be sacrificed by repeating the same quotation under different headings. A few cross references have been given, and if there should prove to be a demand for it, this system could be amplified in possible later editions, and further references could also be included under each heading to assist interested students.

There was certainly not a paucity of material to choose from. The trouble was rather that so much had to be excluded that one would really have liked to insert. In going through the index of headings that have been used, it will be found that several headings that are usually considered to be of importance in esoteric studies, have not been included. These shortcomings are fully realised, but at least one more volume would have been required to do justice to a more complete classification.

In the majority of cases, the information contained in the quotations is rather incomplete, but the idea is only to stimulate the student's interest in the subject, and that he should refer to the books to get the information in its proper context and in full detail.

It is hoped that this work may contribute to bring the Tibetan's Teachings to the attention of an even wider circle of students.

A Student
February 1971