THE ZODIAC - The Labours of Hercules

[1] The Presiding One looked forth upon the sons of men, who are the Sons of God. He saw their light and where they stood upon the Way which leads back to the Heart of God. The Way sweeps in a circle through the twelve great Gates, and, cycle after cycle, the Gates are opened and the Gates are shut. The Sons of God, who are the sons of men, march on.

Dim is the light at first. Selfish the trend of human aspiration, and dark the deeds resultant. Slowly men learn and, in learning, pass between the pillars of the Gates time and again. Dull is the understanding but in the Halls of Discipline, found in each section of the circle's cosmic sweep, the truth is slowly grasped; the needed lesson learnt; the nature purified and taught until the Cross is seen – that fixed and waiting Cross which crucifies the sons of men, stretched out on the Crosses of those who serve and save.

From out the mass of men, one man stood forth in ancient days and caught the great presiding Elder's watching eye, he who eternally presides within the Council Chamber of the Lord. He turned to one who stood, close at his hand, and said: “Who is that soul upon the Way of life, whose light can now be dimly seen?”

Quickly the answer came: “That is the soul who, on the Way of life, experiences and seeks the clear light which shines from the High Place”. “Let him proceed upon his way, but watch his steps”.

[2] The swiftly passing aeons ran their course. The great wheel turned and, turning, brought the seeking soul upon the Way. Later, there came a day when the Presiding One, within the Council Chamber of the Lord, again drew to the circle of his radiant life the seeking soul.

“Whose is this soul upon the Way of high endeavour whose radiance dimly shineth forth?” Came the reply: “A soul who seeks the light of understanding, a struggling soul”.

“Tell him from me to return the other way and then to travel round the circle. Then will he find the object of his search. Watch o'er his steps and, when he has an understanding heart, an eager mind and skilful hand, bring him to me.”

Again the centuries passed. The great wheel turned and, in turning, carried all the sons of men, who are the Sons of God, upon their way. And as these centuries passed, a group of men emerged who slowly turned the other way. They found the Way. They passed the Gates and struggled towards the mountain top, and towards the place of death and sacrifice. The watching Teacher saw a man emerge from out this crowd, mount the fixed Cross, demanding deeds to do, service to render unto God and man, and willingness to travel the Way to God. He stood before the great Presiding One who works within the Council Chamber of the Lord and heard a word go forth:

“Obey the Teacher on the Way. Prepare for the last tests. Pass through each Gate and in the sphere which they reveal and guard, perform the labour which befits their sphere. Learn thus the lesson and begin with love to serve the men of earth”. Then to the Teacher went the final word: “Prepare the candidate. Give him his labours to perform and place his name upon the tablets of the living Way”.